Wednesday 22 May 2013

Tips for helping to control Eczema

Well… Winter is truly is on its way and with it brings the dry weather that can create so many problems for anyone who suffers from eczema!

Last year was a complete nightmare for us with poor K and her numerous skin rashes, infections and reactions. We implemented a number of measures in the house to try and assist with her skin management…. obviously we now know the primary cause for her skin was due to her extreme food intolerances, however the other reality is that we also learnt how sensitive K’s little body is. So due to this, we just can’t afford to take any chances…….

Following are the processes we have re-implemented this winter to help keep eczema and similar symptoms under control:
* completely wet dust the house using ‘clove oil’ and airing the house on a regular basis
* washing the kids stuffed toys and then leave them in the sunshine (when possible) as this helps to kill all the dust mites
* only wear 100% cotton as this doesn't irritate
* only bath her every few days (if possible) as water actually dries out the skin and when she does have one, use an oil like 'Alpha Keri' followed by a 'Sorbolene cream with 100% natural glycerine' afterwards to 'lock in' the moisture.
* I cover K’s face every day in an 'Alpha Keri' ointment - she looks like a 'glazed donut' but it stops the wind/sun drying it out! This is reapplied throughout the day as required. I actually get both kids to apply it themselves at night as part of their 'bed time' ritual 
* Not to over dress/heat  her. This is so hard as a parent in winter as you hate the thought of your child getting cold, but by over doing this it can add to the irritation and dry the skin out more
**A fabulous cream I use to help treat K's irritated areas is called 'Hopes Relief' I bought it from a chemist.

If you or your child is suffering from eczema symptoms, other things to consider as triggers and irritators may include:  
  • dairy and wheat products, citrus fruits (tomatoes impact greatly on K’s skin), eggs, nuts, seafood, chemical food additives, preservatives and colourings
  • air conditioning  & heaters
  • dust, mould, grasses, shampoo and conditioners, soaps, washing powders and toiletries

Good luck… hope this helps!!!

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